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Inscription by Author. To my dear friend Mrs. David Fowler Jones with loving regard - Cora L. Williams

The Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition

San Francisco, 1915

By Cora Lenore Williams, M. S.
Author of "As If" and Essays on "Involution"


Paul Elder and Company
Publisher - San Francisco

Copyright, 1915
By Paul Elder and Company
San Francisco

To My Father and Mother


Lines on "Fourth-Dimensional Insight" by Ormeida Curtis Harrison. (Tissue Facing Frontispiece.)
A Fourteenth Century Legend
Essay on the Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition. By Cora Lenore Williams:
General Status of the Fourth-Dimensional Theory
Fourth-Dimensional Aspects of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Bibliography: Books and Poems having Fourth-Dimensional Insight


An Unborn Space. The Court of Four Seasons. From an etching by Gertrude Partington (Frontispiece)
A Structure Brave. Palace of Fine Arts. From an etching by Gertrude Partington
A Building Inside Out. The Court of Ages. From an etching by Gertrude Partington
A Four-Dimensional Cover Design. By Julia Manchester Mackie. (Cover.)

An Unborn Place - The Court of the Four Seasons - From an etching by Gertrude Partington

An Unborn Place
The Court of the Four Seasons
From an etching by Gertrude Partington

Time is, and all the detail of the world confounds
The plastic mind. With multitude of shapes and sounds
Do the swift elements of thought contend
To form a whole which life may comprehend.
Only to those of high intent
Is life revealed, and quick dreams sent -
Half glimpsed truths omnipotent.
Out of the silence of an unborn space
A spirit moves, and thought comes face to face
With the immutable, and time is past,
And the spent soul, done, meets truth at last.
Chance, fate, occasion, circumstance,
In interfused radiance
Are lost. Past, present, future, all combined
In one sure instantaneous grasp of mind,
And all infinity unrolls at our command,
And beast and man and God unite, as worlds expand.
- Ormeida Curtis Harrison.

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